Friday, February 20, 2009

Grocery Goodness

I've been trying really hardly lately to use coupons and sales to cut down our grocery bill... today was the best day EVER. Here are my stats:

I spent out of pocket $80.64
I saved $89.90
PLUS I have a rebate to send in for a $10 Publix giftcard b/c of things I bought today!

Holey Moley.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Night-time Prayers

The last part of Zola's bed-time routine goes a little something like this... We're rocking in her room and she's nursing, the lights are off and we say our prayers...

Me: Now I lay me... (and the rest of it)

Zola: Amen (she stops nursing for her part)

Me: And what are we thankful for today?

Zola: Dada

Me: I'm thankful for dada too. I'm thankful for the way he (insert something great grant did that day). What else are we thankful for?

Zola: (still nursing)

Me: I'm thankful for (insert whatever happened that day)

Zola: Mama

Me: Oh, so you're thankful for mama too? Well I'm thankful for you. I love you very much.

Zola: (continues nursing)

Me: Guide us as we wake, O Lord and guard us as we sleep. So that awake we may watch with Christ and asleep we may rest in peace.

Zola: Peas? mmmm.... (lip-smacking)

Me: Let's pray for our sleep tonight. (I continue to pray for the night, good sleep, etc. at some point I usually say the word Jesus)

Zola: Cheese?

Me: No. I said Jesus.

Zola: Cheese...mmmm.... (lip-smacking)

Me: All done?

Zola: Done. Blankie? Bunny?

Then we snuggle with blankie and bunny for a few minutes before I put her in the crib and she gets comfortable and goes to sleep.

What a fun way to end the day.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

27 Things

So, yesterday was my birthday and you know what that means... lots of alcohol and crazy, naked streaking through the neighborhood. Actually that's a lie... I'm still nursing so there wasn't any alcohol.

It also means that my new list is complete. After assessing the 26 things I was supposed to do last year (before I turned 26) I realize that I may have overestimated my abilities. Did I really think that I would finish several scrapbooks, sell my jewelry, write a book, tour the capitol and paint my house- all while trying to figure out how to raise a new baby? Since it was my first trying the list I'll give myself a break. I did however finish over half and I'm going to migrate several items I didn't finish over to this year.

And since my friend Jessica over at ...the geib gossip... reminded me today that I hadn't updated my blog in a while (your turn now jessica!) I figured I should go ahead and start my 26th year with at least the appearance of being organized. And so, without further ado, here's my list:

1. Learn to (and do it!) cook something German
2. Make Zola a super cool felt board
3. Finish Zola's first year scrapbook
4. Frame and hang our family photo
5. Send my sister's random packages/letters
6. Get, frame and hang Zola's one year photo
7. Eat a meal at Reangthai
8. Make peppermint bark (yummm...)
9. Take Zola to the Tallahassee Junior Museum
10. Send something (anything!?) off to a publisher (not something for work)
11. Make Zola a picture book of family members
12. Host a BBMC scrapbook night
13. Make Valentine's Day cookies (like with my mom when I was little)
14. Take Grant on a surprise date (shhhh!)
15. Only trim my hair (no major cuts)
16. See "Gone with the Wind"
17. Make Zola an outfit (that we will not be embarrassed for her to wear out of the house)
18. Create a weekly schedule
19. Do a painting project with Zola
20. Learn how to make bagels and share them with friends (if edible!)
21. Try a starfruit
22. Read "Jane Eyre"
23. Tie-dye lots of stuff
24. Make Zola some slippers
25. Make cookies for Grant's office
26. Try a new wine
27. Invite friends over for a themed dinner