Sunday, August 28, 2011

Can she do it? Yes she can!

There are four months until my next birthday.  And only 9 things left on my 29 things to do before I turn 29 list.  This is nothing short of amazing. I've already completed more than any other year.  Here's what I have left:

4. Open an Etsy shop - this feels overwhelming and stressful but I don’t think it should. I just need to make a few things, take pictures and post them. I get freaked because I make myself feel like this would have to be my entire life’s work outside of raising my kids of course. This is still freaking me out.  I had a bunch of skirts cut and ready to stock for summer but that season is over.  Now I have a bunch of girl's Halloween skirts cut and ready to sew...if I can get them done in the next two weeks I can open shop ready for the holiday.  I'm having such a hard time catching up my every day regular life that adding this is hard.
7. Make living room curtains- with the fabric I’ve had that’s just waiting for me to cut into it…peach and green and brown… The fabric is mostly cut and ready to sew! Trying to decide to sew these or work on etsy stuff or more sewing projects for other people.
8. Knit something, anything…it could be a potholder…I just want to give it a try. I may put this off for another year.
10. Read at least half of the Newberry Award winners since 1922. I think I'm close but haven't counted in a while..
14. Do the Financial Peace University stuff with Grant. At least once a week we discuss that we want to do this.
18. Figure how to make a buttonhole with my sewing machine.
21. Tie-Dye! I have a craft playdate set up for October so hopefully we will do this with friends!
27. Try a bottle of the Middle Sister wine that I found at Target but haven’t purchased. Maybe I'll try it with my sister's the next time we are all together...

I'd also like to add: Lose 20lbs.  Yep, it's out there now.  I haven't been taking care of myself as I should.  I have not been putting on my oxygen mask before helping others.  I've been stress-eating whole pans of brownies and bowls of ice cream.  I've been snacking on junk crackers and not drinking enough water.  And drinking waaaayy too much diet coke. I have been walking a few times a week but I should/could do more.

80% of losing this weight is going to be diet.  I've started to plan my meals better.  I freezer cooked a bunch of healthy breakfasts today.  I have to plan so that I don't get caught up in eating on the go. 

I'm also looking into figuring out how to make some gym time work for me during the week. 

I think I should probably start a food journal but I'm not sure how to work that out.

Mostly I want to make sure I'm focusing on healthy changes and never mention the words, fat or diet- especially to Zola.

Things that would NOT be helpful for me to hear:
Why are you worrying? You don't need to lose weight!
Oh just enjoy life and eat what you want!
Look at these brownies I just made for you!
Good to hear you're finally doing this.
I noticed you'd gained some weight.

Things that would be helpful for me to hear:
I've been trying to lose weight too, want to encourage each other?
I want to go to the gym too, want to meet up there?
I found some healthy recipes that I love, want me to share?

4 months until my birthday.  Lots of goals. 


Anonymous said...

I use the My Fitness app on my phone to track foods. It's really easy and doesn't take much effort. Anyway, you can do whatever you set your mind to, and I know you will do it well! :) love you-Melissa M.

Unknown said...

I love you for being a goal maker! It makes me feel all sparkly inside just thinking about it. :)

I feel like the Etsy shop has the most momentum behind it. It reminds me of when I was working towards my doula certification. I had 90% of it done, but was still looking at the last little bit and feeling overwhelmed. What helped me was removing a few unnecessaries out of my day (ie, FB! TV! lol) and it freed me up to really give that last PUSH up the mountain of my goal. .... I'm cheering you on from the side-lines just like you did for me!!! Go Princess Granola Etsy Shop!!!! Go Emily!!! You can do it!!!

Knit something- Knitting makes me think of cool weather, and being all snuggly on the couch. Which in Tallahassee happens way after Halloween and closer to Christmas. (prioritizing Etsy!) Potholders for christmas gifts? Yes please!

FPU "stuff"- Yay! So, what do you mean by stuff? Which step in the FPU plan are you on? (more cheering by the side-lines)

Button-holes- love it. Your Etsy customers will love it, too!

Middle sister wine- I've had it. It's ok. Fun label. Even more fun thinking of hanging out with your middle sister :)

Weight loss- I'll pass on those healthy recipes as I find them! And a friend of mine asked her FB mom friends who work out at home to start an accountability group. I'd love to do that with you!

You're fantastic and amazing and such an inspiration! I'm so blessed to be your friend!
I love you! Emily

Kbroadway said...

I have the financial peace packages if you would like to use it - my FIL gave it to us - we have not looked at it either. I will help you w/ your weight goal and provide healthy yummy lunch on my HS days - soon we will incorperate some trampoline time in the back yard! We used it this weekend for the 1st time in months and it was great:)

Anonymous said...

Did you lose the weight?