Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back-Talking 3 Year Old For Sale.

I love this kid:
This is her riding at horse camp a few weeks ago.

But today she has refused to do anything I ask of her.  She's yelled "NO!" at least 12 times.  She refused to get out of the car in 100 degree weather.  She refused to get dressed. She refused to share with her sister.  She refused to go the bathroom even though she was doing the 'dance' and I knew she had to go.  She refused to take a nap.  She refused to let me hug her. 

Days like this are trying and make me wonder if my sanity will survive homeschooling.

But we are going to keep trying and hopefully Zola and I will hug and make up when she's done taking a break in my room.

I need about 2 more solid hours of planning to get ready for this year.  Zola has been working on some worksheets in her binders, so that's good.  But I need to break down all of our lessons into weekly agendas so I have a timeline and a goal.

I am also still feeling that simplification bug itching me.  We are putting so much time and energy into picking stuff up.  Some days I feel so frustrated with myself because I'm cleaning and organizing and picking up and I know my girls just want me to sit down with them. But if I take a day and just play with them then I the cleaning stuff builds up and takes more time later.  Where is the balance?

1 comment:

These Crook's said...

I am so glad I'm not the only momma out there trying to find balance...I read in another post about moving to the country for a more simple life...well that's the boat we are in...I need to calm down and relax. Bismarck offers SO much that I feel I need to take advantage of all of it...instead of just coloring, reading or doing puzzles. We are going to homeschool too!!! Great for you getting a jump start on it!! All we do so far is dry erase exercises on writing :) Are the rules where you are strict? We need to catch up....but I'm off to read some more of your posts :) they make me feel better about my crazy life