Thursday, October 02, 2008

She's on the move, people, she's on the move.

It has been another HUGE weekend for Zola; develomentally that is. Will this ever stop?

In addition to knowing where her head and her belly are, tonight I asked her where her toes are... we haven't tried this before but she immediately grabbed her toes! Of course lots of clapping and 'yeahing' ensued.

And yesterday she decided she could now climb the stairs. All the way to the top. Quickly.

And this evening I handed her an empty diaper box (one of her favorite toys, among water bottles and altoid tins). I turned around to pick up some toys and when I looked back at her she had turned the box on it's side, pushed it over to the cedar chest and proceeded to climb up and grab the picture frames we keep at the very back edge- the place that used to be out of her reach. She had a problem, formed a plan and executed it. We are pretty sure she's a genius.

Obviously this means that she must be feeling better. The snot sum was significantly lower in our household today. We also discovered a new top tooth just below the surface- which may have been the cause of some of the snot, fever and general crankiness this week.

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